🔤 How to STOP thinking and START doing
The science-backed way to break free from analysis paralysis and take action—even when you’re unsure
Hey there! I’m Robert. Welcome to a free edition of my newsletter. Every week, I share 1 piece of advice 📖, 1 breakthrough recommendation 🚀, and 1 challenge 💥 to help leaders in tech achieve a growth mindset, transform their communication & influence, and master their emotions. Subscribe today to become the person and leader that people love, respect, and follow.
Thinking is great.
Overthinking is not so great.
Overthinking is a neurological trap.
You know what I’m talking about…
Scheduling doctor/dentist appointments–You know you should, but calling and coordinating is a hassle.
Returning online packages—It just sits there staring at you, shaming you, waiting to be taken to the post office.
Getting an oil change—The car is running fine… for now, you convince yourself.
The thing you’re avoiding that’s important but not urgent—just sitting as a todo.
So you don’t do it.
Been there.
This week, we’re diving into why we overthink, how it holds us back, and what you can do to break free to get shit done.
This Week’s ABC
Advice: Why we overthink—and how to rewire your brain for action.
Breakthrough: 1 method that makes me insanely productive.
Challenge: One small action you can take this week to stop thinking and start doing.
📖 Advice: 3 Reasons For Inaction
“The secret to changing your life isn't knowing what to do—it's knowing how to make yourself do it.”
—Mel Robbins
How do you break the cycle of inaction?
Here’s what I’ve learned about how the brain works, and why…
1. The Prefrontal Cortex Hijack
Your prefrontal cortex (PFC) is kind of like the brain’s CEO.
It’s responsible for planning, analyzing, and decision-making.
But when you overthink, your PFC overdoes it and you end up in an endless string of “what-ifs” and worst-case scenarios.
“But what if I fail?”
2. The Amygdala’s Role
Your amygdala, the brain’s fear center, amplifies this loop.
It perceives uncertainty as a threat, triggering a stress response that makes action feel risky.
“Maybe I should do this” → “Hmm well there’s X reason to not do it, Y reason to not do it…”
3. The Dopamine Drain
Dopamine is the “motivation chemical”.
It helps you initiate and sustain actions towards achieving goals, whether those goals are positive or negative (good or bad) for you.
Without dopamine, you feel stuck, unmotivated, and exhausted.
Example: When you work hard, and struggle through a challenge, and grow? You feel great, and you worked for that dopamine.
Example: When you’re doomscrolling? You’re giving in to “easy” and “cheap” dopamine—the brain’s “motivation chemical”.
What feedback loop of dopamine release for what you activities you do (that drive your outcomes), drives your overall life from my perspective.
I’m actively monitoring my dopamine.
So how can you get unstuck on something you’ve been putting off?
🚀 Breakthrough: The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
“The moment you feel the instinct to act on a goal, count 5-4-3-2-1 and move.”
I’ve come to realize that everything in life hinges on your mental game:
How do you make yourself do things, you don’t want to do?
How do you pick yourself up when you’re down?
How can you respond, and not react?
Mel Robbin’s 5 second rule is one I swear by that works.
Combine this strategy for day-to-day micro level execution with proper planning, time management, and intentional skill acquisition strategy, and you’re going to get results in whatever you’re doing.
Why It’s Awesome
It’s backed by neuroscience: The rule works by interrupting the PFC’s overthinking loop and activating the brain’s action center.
It’s incredibly simple: Count down from 5 and take action before your brain talks you out of it.
It’s versatile: Use it for everything from making decisions to overcoming procrastination.
So go do it.
What I Did This Week
So far…
Physical Health: Got my sleep dialed in and PRed (personal record) on a climbing session with finger training. I was pretty pumped about this.
Mental Health: Got to 49 days of at least 30 minutes of meditation in a row.
Connections: Spent very mindful present time with my baby cousins for Lunar New Year. Taught them about AI, and veganism. (:
Work: Collaborated with great people to launch a big transformation initiative spanning 1000+ engineers, shipped 2 newsletters, a podcast, critical thinking through designs, and more.
Got more to do!
Challenge: Go Do It
So there you have it.
This week, here’s what I want you to try:
Stop thinking.
Go do.
Get after it.
You got this!
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P.S. If you haven’t already checked out my other newsletter, ABCs for Building The Future, where I reflect on my founder’s journey building a venture in the open. Check out my learnings on product, leadership, entrepreneurship, and more—in real time!
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